Enemy Mine is a flick from 1985 based on a novella of the same name by Barry Longyear and directed by Wolfgang Petersen. In the future, humans have gone to war with an alien species called the Drac. A fighter pilot played by Dennis Quaid crashes on some planet while fighting the Drac and finds himself stuck with his worst enemy, a Drac warrior. The planet is hostile and they have to team up if they want to survive. This pit monster looks quite lame at first, but turns out nastier than expected... Peepin' on lizard aliens... Dracs are ugly mothers... So it's a classic friendship story, with a strong anti-racist message. The movie is quite predictable, and the story seems older than life itself. But still, at times the movie surprises you - because you don't get what the filmmakers were thinking! Many times I was thinking to myself "now why did that happen?". "Why did those frozen trees start falling all of a sudden?". The visuals are...